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Outer Island   Apostle Island National Lakeshore        14 May through 20 May  2010

Greg Cleary and Joseph Youngman went to check bird migration there.   Extensive spring migration study at Outer had been done previously by James Harris in the late 1970's and by NPS personnel some time later.   But in reading their reports we noticed they focused mainly on the impressive reverse passerine migration that takes place there.  While we noted any migration seen - raptors, passerines and shorebirds we were especially looking for waterbirds.  We thought waterbirds might use the north end of Outer as a navigational point as is the case at other islands. We didn't see much waterbird migration.   Our report is available here  --   

Greg at the NE tip - looking for migrants


Below are links to two James Harris reports on migration at Outer Island

The southern tip of Outer

P1050310 - Copy.JPG

Eastern Bluebird on my spotting scope

P1050305 - Copy.JPG
P1050292 - Copy.JPG

Northern Mockingbird

on the sandspit

2019  by Joseph Youngman and Phil Quenzi


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